Monday, February 29, 2016

Quick Challenge: nature

Ted talk responses:

I admired his landscapes because one, he captured very important things, he was very patient or very quick to capture just that right moment, and he was very clever at setting up traps to capture certain animals

Personal Responses:
I enjoyed this shot because i loved how the shadows looked over the tree with where the sub was positioned

I think my shot is amazing because it really makes you focus in on the lighting

The filter tech i used was lowering the saturation and then increasing the black point and white balance

This Challenge for me was too quick i wish i had somewhere else to do this challenge

I used one element of art which was patience and i used

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Landscapes part 2

Land scapes part 2.

Here are my 3 well constructed landscapes and my 4 B&W's using photoshop. 

1) the two images that you can see stars, were taken at 3 am, the one of the street art was taken roughly around 7 PM. 
2) I wanted everything in focus, i did a high aperture around f 18, f22.
3)For the B&W i think the Lab color method worked the best. 
4)I think my fourth 

Monday, February 8, 2016

Macro Blog Assignment

Questions; 1) I loved using a macro. I enjoy getting close up and

2) My favorite shot is the flower, i used photoshop to take out the background, only because i wanted to focus on the sun flowers detail. however the chocolate covered strawberry by my pool, looks like a seashell on the beach, now thats cool!

3) I would say shot 2, the sun flower uses the best rule of thirds, it is cropped well. almost perfectly for its shape.