Monday, October 19, 2015

Light painting

This is a photo i took with my Photo Club group to advertise the club. I used aperture to add some color to the light stream. ISO was at 100, 30 second exposure at f3.5. Light painting project (group-did, solo)

Friday, October 9, 2015

You got that fire?

For this Assignment we watched a tutorial on how to make fire imbedded with the fire-text, i messed around with the temperature and saturation to make a weird green orange. kinda cool!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Scavenger hunt

For this Assignment in my digital photo class we were given a set of 12 pictures to take, each with a specific description, plus 6 extra credit images.

1) This is a chocolate covered strawberry from an ants perspective.

2)This is a long exposure image from a birds eye view 

3)This is a picture from a child's perspective looking at an adult and how they view them.

4)this image is loneliness 

5) this image is excitement

6) this image is of people who stand out in a crowd

7) this image was taken at 9am 

8) this image was taken at noon.

9)This image was taken at 4pm

10) This is a picture of a building.

11) This is part of the building

12) This is a picture of a door and its doorbell

Extra credit 1) Something shiny, aka my car 

2) this is a moving vehicle  with a busy background 

3)This is a moving vehicle with a plain background 

4) This is an image of a person with a busy background 

5) this is an image of a person with a plain background

6) this is an image taken at 6pm