Friday, September 4, 2015


Internet Inspiration #1

 Internet Inspiration # 2  
 Internet Inspiration # 3
 Internet Inspiration # 4
 Internet Inspiration  #5

#1 on a Mission

Choices #2

 #3 Career path

 #4 Apocalypse 

Simplicity #5

In this assignment for my digital photo class our teacher instructed us to take a nature walk if you will, around campus. I Believe she wanted to get a taste for how we shoot, and what we are capable of shooting in the moment. I decided to shoot in monochrome(B and W) because i enjoy shooting film photography in Black and white. My favorite thing to do is shoot in black and white and use Aperture to restore color to the subject matter only. Here are five of my best shots as well as images found online for shots i aspire to take. Even though i much enjoy this style of shooting it is not my favorite. What i like best about my shots are, i try to find things people do not pay attention to. something maybe a different photographer wouldn't notice. It makes my shots more rare. My favorite shot here is the "Apocalypse shot" the eerie shot turns something from my school in to an image from something of a dry deserted waste land. I wish i could have more time while shooting shots. Usually i shoot with friends or on trips when traveling with my family. I always feel rushed. When i am an adult i feel i will have more independence to prosper in the time aspect. My favorite image i took off the web for inspiration is the B&W Macro lens shot of the eye. I love the detail. Something that probably goes quite unnoticed.

1 comment:

  1. Your shots definitely tell a story. The value range is well done. And the texture in your last shot is great. I would like to see you play with point of view a bit more. Get down low or up high, move around your subject.
