Thursday, May 5, 2016

water shots

Picture 1:
1) Yes it was easy to get a shot with a fast shutter. just have to be ready
2) I wish i could have not used flash i like to mess around with lighting in settings

second picture;

1) Yes still easy still a fast shutter a real challenge is trying to capture creek water or waterfalls, only challenge about this is patience.
2) what i didn't like with out flash is the difference in vibrancy. but i can create brighter images with the settings or in post production


1) it was even easier with rapid shutter but the camera was struggling to process images
2) did not like the processing time

fourth picture:

1) I LIKED THESE THE MOST so trippy. i love the color expanding, it was pretty easy
2) This was the same as the third, still had trouble processing but we did what we good a few times and refilled and refilled finally we sad whoa this is cool

Monday, March 21, 2016

Warhol effect

I used Photoshop to make a sweet andy warhol effect I'm not as pretty as Marilyn monroe but hey i look pretty good!